JBI TCP Server communication driver


JBI TCP Server communication driver is the driver to communicate with JBI TCP client of JoongAng Control CO., LTD. in Korea.


Note) JBI TCP Server communication driver is needed 8.5.8/9.5.3 or higher version Communication Server.


1. Read Settings


<Figure 1> is read setting example of JBI TCP Server communication driver.

<Figure 1>  Read setting example of JBI TCP Server communication driver

Device part of  <Figure 1> input TCP-Server, Service port( 3333 ) respectively, according to client.


JBI TCP Server communication driver read schedule 

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows:

1) Station – Don't care.

2) Read Command –  Don't care.

3) Read start address – Don't care..

4) Save start address for Communication Server – Saving start address of Communication Server.

5) Read Size – Fixed to 1.


Read schedule example) 

 READ,      ,     ,     0,    0,  1,


<Table 1> is data saving address and contents for JBI TCP Server communication driver.

Data saving address



Start addr + 0 WORD/DWORD/FLOATmemory

Current(status) value

AI, AO = current value,(float data)

DI, DO = 1 ( ON ), 0 ( OFF )

<Table 1> Data saving address and contents for JBI TCP Server communication driver

JBI TCP Server communication driver store the same data in WORD, DWORD, FLOAT memory, but the data format are different.


2. Writing settings

You can send current value to client by using write settings.


Digital Write

Digital write and analog write have the same setting parameters except output value. 


Analog Write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows:

1)  PORT                   Port no. (0 ~ 255)

2)  STATION             Don't care.

3)  ADDRESS          Writing address.

4)  Extra1                  Tag memory type.

AI : analog input,

AO : analog output,

DI : digital input,

DO : digital output,

5)  Extra2                  System type.

110 : Power system,

120 : Lighting system.


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0012, Extra1:AI,  Extra2 : 110

The setting parameter shown above is analog input data sending example for 12 address of SCADA Server, Power system.


Write example 1)

PORT:0,  station:0, ADDRESS:0035, Extra1:AI,  Extra2 : 120

The setting parameter shown above is analog input data sending example for 35 address of SCADA Server, Lighting system.